Making A Booking

At Country Tails, we believe that every customers requirement are  unique  and we therefore like to discuss each individual case with the customer directly as opposed the making an on line application.

The dogs of All new customers must comply with our VACCINATION and NEUTERING policies and  attend a one day ASSESSMENT VISIT prior to attending daycare or staying for an overnight stay for the first time.

If you would like to have a chat with us please feel free to call us.

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Talk or Email Us

Mary 0872176370

Denise 0868456774



Vaccinations are vitally important to protect the dog against infections, some of which can be fatal.

All dogs must be vaccinated annually or in accordance with veterinary recommendations.

Puppies will receive their primary course of vaccinations at approximately 8 weeks. These vaccines will provide protection against such conditions as diphtheria, hepatitis, parainfluenza,  parvovirus and leotospirosis. The secondary course of vaccines is usually given 2-4 weeks after the first course. All dogs must also receive a kennel cough vaccine prior to entering any daycare/boarding kennel environment.

At country Tails, we require the kennel cough vaccine to be administered at least 2 weeks prior to the first visit. A copy of the vaccination record will be held in the customers file.

Cancellation Policy

Notice of intention to cancel a daycare day must be given by 6pm on the evening before the booked day to avoid full payment being charged.

Notice of intention to cancel an overnight booking, irrespective of duration must be given 7 days in advance of the arrival date otherwise booking deposit will be retained.

Neutering Policy

All male dogs that are visiting Country Tails for the first time and are over 12 months of age must be neutered.

Dogs under 12 months of age will be required to be neutered if they begin exhibiting unwanted or aggressive behavior towards other dogs.

Assessment Visit

As country Tails is a socialised daycare and boarding facility, the safety of our canine visitors is of paramount importance. The ability of a dog to socialise with other canine friends varies greatly therefore it is important to establish the dogs ability to engage with others in various scenarios.

Our assessment / temperament test is a day long stay during which the newcomer is closely observed in various situations such as in social play, interaction with toys and behaviour in the presence of food. The aim is to evaluate the dog’s behavior, body language, personality etc with other dogs and to look for any aggressive behavior   toward the other dogs.

All dogs coming for assessment must hold a fully up to date vaccination record and males over 12 months of age must be neutered.

Looking For A Bespoke Service?

Unlike traditional kennels where the canine visitor is confined to a kennel and run for a lot of the day, our visitors are treated to the ultimate home from home experience in a stress free, kennel free environment and have the freedom to socialise with other dogs of similar size throughout the day in our large secure garden, indoor and outdoor play areas with supervision on site 24/7

Get in Touch By Phone Or email

Chat to us today about our range of services.


Mary 0872176370

Denise 0868456774