Socialised Daycare
Just like humans, dogs are social creatures and when kept in social isolation can develop compulsive habits and become fearful of the everyday things we all take for granted.
During the socialisation process, dogs learn many important skills from each other such as hierarchy, problem solving, agility and testing their own limits.
The daycare programme at Country Tails is so designed that each dog in our care gets to explore a wide range of environments throughout the day, all of which pose their own individual challenges. We provide a combination of basic training, mentally stimulating games, sense training exercises and physical agility all of which help to shape the dogs development towards becoming a well balanced and happy individual who is less likely to become aggressive or troublesome in the future.
Many of our customers have reported positive outcomes as a result of their dog’s weekly visits to us. Even 1 day per week can have substantially positive results , leaving customers with total peace of mind while at work or away.
Our daycare environment is completely secure with a variety of areas to investigate to include grassed, stone and solid surfaced play areas all of which are equipped with a variety of play equipment.
All dogs are grouped in accordance with size and temperament and groups are rotated throughout the day so as to expose the dog to as many variants as possible. We also have 2 indoor play/activity areas especially for the wet days so nobody misses out on the fun!
All our first time doggie visitors must complete a one day ASSESSMENT VISIT to ensure they are compatible with our socialised style of daycare and boarding and also to ensure the safety of the other doggie visitors.
A fully up to date VACCINATION RECORD must be presented at the assessment visit.
All male dogs who are 1 year or older and coming to us for the first time must be neutered. Males who have been attending our facility prior to reaching the age of 12 months, will require neutering if they begin to show signs of unwanted behaviour towards other dogs.
For boarding pre requisite details click here
If you would like to enrol your dog in our daycare program, please get in touch
Day Care (8am – 6pm) Monday to Saturday
1 dog – €15:
2nd dog from same family- € 13
3rd dog from same family- € 12
Discount will be given for dogs attending daycare 5 or more days in the same week. A loyalty system is in place giving 1 free day per 20 daycare visits.
Please note Saturday daycare is subject to availability. There is no daycare service on Sundays
Cancellation Policy
Notice of intention to cancel a daycare day must be given by 6pm on the evening before the booked day to avoid full payment being charged.
Doggie Daycare
Learn, play and socialise in a supervised environment
Overnight Boarding
Kennel free, stress free boarding with all the comforts of home
Puppy Socialisation
Ideally suited to the 12 week + age group
€15/day/dog - Daycare
€22/24hrs/dog - Overnight
Senior Dog
Extra special care and attention for those in their senior years
€15/day/dog - Daycare
€22/24hrs/dog - Overnight
Post Operative Rehabilitation
Having surgery and worried about post operative rehab?
€15/day/dog - Daycare
€22/24hrs/dog - Overnight

Looking For A Bespoke Service?
Unlike traditional kennels where the canine visitor is confined to a kennel and run for a lot of the day, our visitors are treated to the ultimate home from home experience in a stress free, kennel free environment and have the freedom to socialise with other dogs of similar size throughout the day in our large secure garden, indoor and outdoor play areas with supervision on site 24/7
Get in Touch By Phone Or email
Chat to us today about our range of services.